
We have chickens! In May we bought three Chantecler hens that were just under a year old, and already good layers. We built a coop, a run, and brought the girls home. Suki (largest buff Chantecler) and Paprikash (partridge Chantecler) are our favorites. Satay (small buff Chantecler) is an excellent layer, but can be pretty bossy to the other hens. When we got the hens, they'd been hanging with a rooster so their eggs were fertilized. We tried hard, but managed to waste a couple dozen eggs before we gave up on the idea of hatching them. Later learned that Chantecler eggs are particularly difficult to hatch. More about incubation later. After our abortive attempt to hatch eggs, Triple D Hatchery in Palmer succeeded in obtaining four partridge Chantecler chicks for us! Yeah! They were hatched in early June, and we picked them up when they were a few days old. While at the hatchery we made the mistake of wandering through the brooders, and came home with an additional six Cornish Cross chicks, also hatched in early June. Raising chicks is a little bit of work. We've enjoyed the process (mostly - there is a LOT of poop), but have to admit we're looking forward to slaughter day for the Cornish Cross. The Cornish Cross have been very sweet natured and far friendlier than the Chanteclers. They appear to enjoy our company. Watching our flock of thirteen brings us an immense amount of pleasure. Enjoy the pics.