Kate’s pups began arriving at 6:30 AM this morning.
Grandma Kat was awake most of night with Kate, giving her backrubs and trying to ease her through the uncomfortable early part of labor.
Scott and I arrived at Kat’s this morning, and got to see the 5th pup (male, red sable coat, 13 oz) born. Scott headed for work, I stayed until early afternoon. Then I headed home to get cleaned up for visiting Elizabeth.
We expect there is a 6th and possibly 7th puppy inside yet. Kat has been discussing with Dr. W and Kate may get an assist for the last of the pup(s). Kate is a very good mama dog, careful of her feet and very attentive to the pups. The pups are strong and healthy, and of good size, 13 oz – 15 oz. 3 boys and 2 girls, I think.
Update – Final count was 5 pups. Vets office recounted the xrayed pups and decided 5 was it. Kate and pups are healthy and well. Kate is eating lots, pups are nursing lots. Kate is attentive and careful with her pups. She hides them if too much attention is paid to them so Kat and Floyd are keeping the whelping room very calm and minimal handling of the pups. Scott and I are very proud of our Kate.
Have to revise Jen’s post about the morning of the whelping. They didn’t just get to SEE the fifth pup born……….Jenny got to “catch” it. She did awesome. Broke the sack, cleaned out the little nose and mouth, roughed the puppy up (vigorous towel rubbing to stimulate the puppy) and then got the puppy latched on to Kate!!!!!! Good job, Jenny!!!
Have to revise a little bit of what Jenny said about the morning Kate had her puppies. Jenny and Scott did not arrive and get to SEE the last puppy born. In fact, Jenny got to “catch” the puppy, clean out his little mouth and nose, rough the puppy up (vigorous towel drying to stimulate the puppy) and got him latched on to his mama. GOOD JOB, JENNY!!!!!! That same little puppy is now known by Kate and Scott as Pistol :) :) :)