Diapers, a lot of diapers

We got edu-ma-cated on diapers Saturday. We visited Arctic Baby Bottoms after sheep herding, out in Wasilla.

I remember cloth diapers as being unsophisticated and a little tricky. But we’d been doing our research and we knew they’d come a long ways since broad swaths of cloths and ducky safety pins.

We want to do cloth diapers to save money in the long run (average disposable diaper cost is about double average cloth cost over diaper period of the baby), save on trash runs (we don’t take trash service and don’t intend to, hence quantity of trash produced is of concern), and prefer EKA to know when she’s wet so she’ll be easier to potty train (planning ahead big time)

Plus the new cloth diapers are, frankly, pretty cool.

I’ll post details later, but suffice it to say we came out much wiser, and made up our minds about a few things. Thirsties brand, made in the US, with hemp liners, look like the way to go. We’ll supplement with rectangular trifolds placed in covers to keep the costs under control.

If we can get a stash of 2 weeks of cloth diapers, there is a company in Anchorage that will wash our nasty nappies for only $15 per week. Oh yeah baby! A weeks worth to have on hand, a weeks worth to be out getting laundered. That’s a lot of nappies

Take a look at their site – it’s pretty neat.


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