ACT looks great. A group of us finished painting the last classroom over Valentines Day weekend. Really hard work and not quite enough help but there was an agility trial the same weekend so we knew that was a likelihood. With numerous events on the horizon it was the best time to take care of it. Very proud of how good the place looks. When I started there a few years ago it was all pretty blah. Looks quite nice now.
Our favorite rottie mix took high in rally trial at ACT’s UKC Obedience and Rally trial this weekend. He and his handler scored a perfect 100 both days. We are very proud of them.
All four herding dogs ran themselves silly tonight at the club. We went down there for about an hour late this evening. We threw out a couple of tunnels and had a few toys to toss around. There was a lot of barking, running, leaping, cavorting, slobbering, drinking and general chaos. The tunnels were a hit. At one point all 4 were in the same tunnel. One of the girls delighted in charging into a tunnel then doing a swimmers turn halfway through. The entire tunnel would kind of leap off the ground. I’m grateful to be a member of the club – we were in room 2 which is about 50×80 feet – plenty of room for four herding dogs to run safely.
Dogs are very tired. And so are we.