Bing Underwater Treadmill

A few folks had asked how Bing was doing.

Bing continues to recover from his herniated disc (2/27/2013). He is still on crate rest and leashed potty time. 2 five minute walks a day.
Unlimited belly rubs.
He began his second week of physical therapy today. This is his third session (3/25/2013). He did about 1/2 mile on the underwater treadmill.

His physical therapist, Cara at Veterinary Specialists of Alaska, has a nice rapport with him. He gives her kisses.

I’m glad we have access to such a good facility.

I posted the videos on YouTube…

20130325 Bing P/T – Underwater Treadmill
20 minutes at 1.4 mph

20130325 Bing P/T – Caviletti
About 12 reps at 6″

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