Pursuing Grand Champion

We had a couple of fun dog shows recently. Last weekend we attended the Fairbanks show for the first time. Only 3 cardigans but lots of fun. Kate set a whole line of otherwise happy quiet crated dogs to howling. Oh Katie bug.

Bing ran a fast 1,200 foot track and we looked at the tracking field in North Pole. Swung thru Maclaren and visited friends. A bobble with the Jeep detained us an extra day.

Paid our respects to Kylson at mile 75 then home.

This weekend Kate picked up two majors and nine more points for her Grand Champion title. 13 Cardigans! She’s only 10 points away from finishing. Very proud of our girl. Handled Whitney, Kat and Floyd’s young bitch. No love from the judges but she was delightful to handle. Free stacked, moved nice, great on the table. I was really impressed with how well she showed for me.

Great fun for all.

North on the Glenn20140601-152350.jpg

Trackin’ man!20140601-152405.jpg

Maclaren River, mile 42 Denali Highway20140601-152433.jpg

Missing Kylson. Mile 7520140601-152448.jpg

Good Whitney20140601-152515.jpg

Kate, Best Opposite for 5 point major towards her Grand Champion20140601-152548.jpg

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