Scott, Mel, and Chris got lots more done on the nursery last night. Baseboard, more paint. Maybe more varnish. Furniture can get moved in soonish.
Scott and I attended infant CPR yesterday. There were mannequins on which to practice, two nurse externs to guide and answer questions, and a instruction video from the American Heart Association. We also spoke with S. about discharge stuff, follow up visits to look for developmental problems, vaccination against RSA, and a few other things. We need to do the car seat test (90 minutes in the seat to check for breathing problems) and that’s about it.
Here is an update I sent this morning:
Hello friends
Elizabeth was born 7 weeks ago today. She is a healthy 6 and a half pounds up from her original 3 lbs 14 oz. Her last hurdle has been breastfeeding.
Elizabeth had her feeding tube removed about 24 hours ago and has been exclusively breastfeeding. She was pretty frustrated the first few hours, then she seemed to ‘get it’. She made steady improvement thru the night, and even slept from 1:30 am to 6 am.
Elizabeth is breastfeeding super well. She just took 54 ml of her 60 ml feeding over about 30 minutes – fabulous!
Unless she loses it, we’ll have her home very soon. Maybe Sunday or Monday. Wow!