Mornings are sweet

We’ve settled into a morning routine. Stumble out of bed before 7, dogs outside and fed and bottle into hot water to warm. Water onto the stove for coffee and oatmeal. One of us finishes getting breakfast ready while the other (most often Scott) wakes Elizabeth and gets her clean and dressed. Settle in the living room and we all eat together. Bing and Kate usually hop onto the love seat with Scott and Elizabeth. We check mail, I pump (breast feeding is preferred by all of us but EKA takes a long time to get her meal that way), and we all wake up together. We pop Elizabeth into her playpen – she’s rolling around too much to leave her free – get showered and dressed, dogs out again. Gather Elizabeths supplies for the day which we cleverly prepared the previous evening. Scott takes Elizabeth to her babysitter, I set the dogs up with their goodie bones and everybody off to work.

It’s unutterably wonderful to have this time in the morning with my best beloved, dear Elizabeth, and the super corgis.


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